733 James I. Harrison Jr. Parkway East - Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405

Browsing Father Michael Deering's Sunday Homilies

Palm / Passion Sunday!

Palm / Passion Sunday!
Homily preached April 2, 2023
by Monsignor Michael Deering


In Matthew’s Gospel, just proclaimed, we heard the many things Jesus went through

on the last day of His life.  He was betrayed, He was arrested, He was condemned, He was scourged, He was crowned with thorns, He was mocked, He was spat upon,              

He was stripped, He was crucified, He was reviled, He died.


Tell mewho would you go through all that for? 


Would you go through all that to save the life of … your kids?


Would you go through all that to save the life of … your husband or your wife?


Would you go through all that to save the lives of … your parents?


Would you go through all that to save the life of … your brother or your sister?

If you said yes to any or all of these ....

What is it that would move you to go through all that suffering and even death?


There’s only one reason why you’d even consider going through all that

it would  be… because of love!


Love! That real but mysterious connection between persons is what would move you to offer your suffering and your very life to insure their wellness and safety.


And the reason why we’re able to love ...

 is because we’re made in the image and likeness of GodWho is Love.


But our human love is far less than the love of God because

our Human Love is conditionalwhile God’s love is unconditional.


So, you may be willing to suffer and die for your kids or your spouse

But would you be willing to suffer and die for your next-door neighbor?

Would you be willing to suffer and die for your obnoxious co-worker?

Would you be willing to suffer and die for a thief, a liar, a drug addict, a murderer?


There’s only one person who could do thatthe Second Person of the Trinity!


Jesus, the Son of God, because of His unconditional love for all of us

was willing to suffer and die … so that “everyone” would have the chance

 to live in eternal happiness with God in Heaven.


Jesus’ Passion and Death is the greatest sign of God’s love!   Lets’ spend a few minutes now thanking Jesus for his unconditional love for us ... and throughout this Holy Week contemplate Christ’s suffering & death … to deepen our appreciation for the immensity of His Love & the immensity of the Gift He offers: Eternal Life!


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