733 James I. Harrison Jr. Parkway East - Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405

Browsing Father Michael Deering's Sunday Homilies

Lord, let me not be put to shame!

Lord, let me not be put to shame!
Homily preached January 30, 2022
by Monsignor Michael Deering


What are some of the things that you’re afraid of?


If you were to think about the things you fear, what would be on your list?


Would it include things like: terrorism, nuclear war, an earthquake a plane crash, drowning, spiders, snakes, heights, tight places, getting fat, getting old, getting cancer, a stock market crash, losing your job, losing your spouse, losing your parents, losing your child, losing your life?

Which of these and others would be on your list?


And after you’ve created your list, what would you rank as your greatest fear?


I want you to know that year after year ... in survey after survey,

the thing that most people are most afraid of ispublic speaking!


Public speaking ranks at the top of the most people’s list of the things

they are most afraid of experiencing.

It even ranks ahead of dying, which typically comes in at #6 on most people’s list.


Why is that?         Why are people so afraid to speak in public?

It’s because we’re horrified at the thought of losing the approval of others!

And this is based on the self-image that we create for ourselves as we grow up


You see, little kids up to age 4 or 5 have not yet acquired a self-image of themselves and so they have no problem getting up in front of a group and singing and dancing and acting silly. But once they go to school and begin to develop a self-image for themselves, they become far more guarded about what they say and do in public.


The very thought of looking bad in front of others, especially in front of our friends is super scarypolls show that it becomes for manyeven scarier than death!


This fear of public speaking is even apparent ... in the Bible.

For example, did you know that mighty Moses had a fear of public speaking!

I realize that it was Charlton Heston, a strong and confident actor that played Moses in the epoch movie, the Ten Commandments.     That was Hollywood’s choice.


But Scripture reveals that the real Moses was initially reluctant to go and speak to others … he was afraid to be the mouthpiece of God for the Israelite people!


In the 4th Chapter of Exodus, when God appears to Moses in the Burning Bush, God tells him to go speak to Pharaoh to get permission for the Israelites to leave Egypt. But Moses resists and says to God, “If you please Lord, I have never been

 eloquent … but I am slow in speech and tongue.”


There it is … the fear of speaking to others moved Moses to push back on God!


So God reassures him and promises to assist him in what he says.

But Moses once again pushes back on God’s request, saying,

“If you please, Lord, send someone else!”


Can you imagine that ... that anyone ... especially the Mighty Moses

    to openly contest the request of God!


Scripture says, “Then the Lord became angry with Moses.”

And he told Moses to take along Aaron, his brother, to be his spokesman.

And God tried to calm his fear saying, “I will assist both you and him in speaking.”


This same fear of public speaking shows up in other places too … as it did in our First reading today where we hear of God’s efforts to call  Jeremiah to go and speak to His Chosen People.      This took place 700 years after Moses.


In today’s reading from the 1st chapter of the Book of Jeremiah, God asks Jeremiah to go speak His words to the Israelites (in verses 4 and 5). Sadly our reading today skips to verses 17 – 19. But hear what was said in verses  6, 7, and 8.


Jeremiah writes, “Ah, Lord God!” I said, “I know not how to speak; I am too young.”


“But the Lord answered me, ‘Say not, I am to young.’

To whomever I send you, you shall go; whatever I command you, you shall speak. Have no fear of them, because I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.”


The fear of speaking to others is a very real fear.

Surveys show it … and so does ... Holy Scripture!


And that’s why God always promises His powerful support.


Today we hear God reassuring Jeremiah saying,

“Be not crushed on their account as though I would leave you crushed before them.”


In other words, God is assuring him that He would not let him be put to shame.

He would never leave him hanging out there all alone

crushed with embarrassment or humiliation.


Then God encourages Jeremiah saying, “For it is I this day who have made you

a fortified city, a pillar of iron, a wall of brass, against the whole land.”


Wow, you can just feel Jeremiah’s self-confidence rise upon hearing these powerful descriptions. This had to be a wonderful boost to Jeremiah’s self-image!

(Recall the nick-name “the Steel Curtain” from the Pittsburgh Steelers!)


And finally God promises Jeremiah that he will succeed. He says, “They will fight against you but not prevail over you, for I am with you to deliver you.”


What a powerful endorsement that is … with God behind you, you just can’t lose


What’s important about all of this is that God offers those same words of reassurance and encouragement to each and every one of us

 as we spread the Good News of Salvation to those we meet.


You mean that we’re supposed to speak to others about our faith and belief in God?

 Yes!   Yes we are!


Oh oh?  There’s that feeling of fearthe fear of public speaking!

But this situation should not be cause for alarm.

Even though our self-image is going to try to hold us back from witnessing to others about God, we simply need to listen for and hear God’s words of strength and support so that we find courage in sharing the Good News with others.


As humans, we carry a fear of speaking to others, especially when it comes to speaking to others about our faith in God and right moral living.

Society tells us to be safe ... never talk politics or religion in public!


That’s not what God says!

God wants all of us, His children, to speak about Him … at all timeseverywhere!


When we were baptized into God’s family, we were clothed with His Son, Jesus Christ ... and anointed with His Holy Spirit to be Priest, Prophet and King.


As Priest we are to offer praise and sacrifice to Almighty God

As King we are to govern others, especially our own families, in all righteous.

And as Prophet, we are to spread the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ to all.


And just what is the Good News?    

That God loves us … infinitely and unconditionally! That God is Love.

That God sent us His Only Son, Love incarnate, to be our Savior.

That the Gates of Heaven are open to all who seek God.

That God has endless Mercy and will pardon our every offense when we ask.

That God is with us and will never leave us.


And God calls all of us to spread this Good News. But many are afraid to speak.

That old fear of speaking in public rises up to silence the words of many.

In order to overcome this fear, we have to listen for and hear God’s words of:

                   reassurance and encouragement and blessing.



The Psalms are loaded with calls to God for help.

Listen again to Psalm 71 that we just prayed today,

“let me never be put to shame.”

Rescue me and deliver me. Save me.”

“You are my hope. On you I depend. You are my strength.”


We humans are afraid of many things. We’re especially afraid of speaking in front of others. But we can do it with the strength and support that comes from God!


In our Gospel today, Mark records how a crowd rose up in fury against Jesus, intending to hurl Him down a hill, but Mark says,

“Jesus passed through the midst of them and went away.”


What confidence! What power!

That same strength and power is available to usif we ask God for it.


We have his promise that He will never leave us hanging out to dry.

He wants us to be His mouthpieces in the world.

In Baptism we’ve all  been commissioned as Prophets.


So what are you afraid of?


I’ll tell you what to be afraid ofdisobeying Godsinhell!


Let’s not push back on God and say we can’t speak to others about Him.

He calls all of us to be His Ambassadors, His mouthpieces in the world!


Realize that our Faith is notPrivate” ... no ... it’sPersonal”!


It involves having a Personal relationship with Jesus that blossoms into ...

a Public demonstration of the Love and Trust we have in the Risen Lord.


So, let’s ask for and listen for God’s support and blessing ...

so we can successfully do all that He asks us to do.


Let’s beseech God with the words of Psalm 71

“Lord help me … let me not be put to shame.”


Then we’ll be able to go and proclaim the Good News to others

confidently and courageously!


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