Confession will be heard from 3:30pm until 4:45pm in the garden area for those who need confession before receiving Holy Communion
You may receive Holy Communion at Holy Spirit Church on Saturday afternoon following the 5:00pm Mass (this should be shortly after 6:00pm).
You must have the desire and intention to view Mass either via the live-stream of the 5:00pm Mass or to watch Mass on Sunday.
Please park in any parking space and remain in your vehicle until Msgr. Deering emerges from the church and sets up to distribute Holy Communion.
Once Msgr. Deering is set up, please exit your vehicle and form a line on the sidewalk in front of the school. YOU MUST MAINTAIN A 6 FOOT DISTANCE BETWEEN PERSONS!
If weather permits, Msgr. Deering will set up on the steps at the main entrance to the church. If there is inclement weather, he will set up underneath the drive through area at the main entrance.
Please proceed, one person at a time, to receive Holy Communion and then go directly back to your vehicle.
Persons who are sick should not come to receive Holy Communion. Persons that are at high risk should stay at home and request a private meeting with Msgr. Deering to receive Holy Communion.
Dear Parishioners May 8, 2020
Hopefully we are very close to the day
when you can actually be present in Church
to celebrate God’s enduring love for us
In the meantime, I will begin to offer Holy Communion to those who
while remaining in their vehicle parked in our Church Parking Lot
will view the Mass live-stream on their phone!
Then, for those who are properly prepared ...
meaning those who are Catholic, are free of mortal sin, and have fasted for 1 hour ...
may receive Our Lord in Holy Communion after Mass
by forming a single line while remaining 6 feet apart from others.
Let’s try this on Saturday May 9th
while remaining conscious of the True Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist.
If this goes well, I may expand this to one or both Sunday Masses next week.
God bless you,
Father Deering
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