Hello, Holy Spirit Parish Family. Today is Saturday March 21, 2020.
Perhaps you saw the message in our sign at the driveway to our School:
Enjoy Spring Break!
That was our sincere good wish one week ago.
For many students and Teachers that meant have a good time at the Beach.
But sadly, the Alabama Beaches are closed.
Yes, things are different this year as the whole wide world strives to manage the hurtful effects of a very contagious sickness ... the Coronavirus.
The key way to keep this sickness from spreading is to practice Social Distancing.
So both Civil Authorities and Church Authorities have instituted a number of directives to limit the gathering of people and hopefully limit the spread of sickness.
Here’s the new tag line: “It’s not about you ...it’s about us.”
Yes, the new directives are intended to preserve the health & wellness of all of us.
Here are some of the directives in place at Holy Spirit Church.
The Church will be open each day from 8 AM to 4 PM.
You are welcome to come between those hours to pray individually ... but do not gather to pray in groups.
I will pray Holy Mass each morning in private honoring the Mass Intentions that have been scheduled and wrapping all of you in this most powerful Prayer.
I will pray the anticipated Mass for Sunday in Church at the normal time of 5 PM Saturday afternoon ... but it will not be open to the all the Faithful.
Those present will be: a Sacristan, a Deacon, an Altar Server, a Lector, a Cantor, a Pianist, 2 Ushers.
You will be able to view the Mass live any one of 3 ways:
For those who normally attend Mass on Sunday, you can view the Sunday presentation of the Mass that is stored on the cloud, by accessing:
Since you will not be able to receive the Sacramental Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist during this time of separation... I encourage you to have a Spiritual Communion with Jesus by doing the following:
- pray the Act of Contrition
- pray the Spiritual Communion Prayer, saying:
My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally,
Come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there
And unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.
- pray a Prayer of Thanksgiving as you normally would.
The Sacrament of Confession will still be offered each Saturday from 4 PM to 4:45 PM ... but it will be conducted outside in the Prayer Garden next to the Church.
In cases of rain, the site will be moved to the “drop off” area outside the main Entryway of the Church.
This worldwide sickness is bringing changes to our lives ... and for many that will involve sacrifices ... sacrifices that will serve as powerful prayers for conversion and remedy.
As we enter the second half of Lent, please use the time you have away from school and work as a mini Retreat ... yes ... a forced retreat for sure ... but a real retreat none the less .... from the busyness of the world ... and through prayer and reflection, contemplate the things that are most important in your life ... such as your family and your Eternal Salvation ... so that on the other side of this worldwide shutdown ... you’ll be more determined to radiate the light of God in the world.
Stay isolated ... and stay well.
May Almighty God bless you ... the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
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