733 James I. Harrison Jr. Parkway East - Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35405

Browsing Arts and Artifacts

Saint Peter and Saint Paul

Saints Peter and Paul Apostles

Solemnity - June 29th

 During the building phase of our new church and the selection and placement of the stained glass panels, it was obvious that St. Peter and St. Paul should have the honor of being closest to the Tabernacle and the Blessed Sacrament.  Although these panels are probably the least visible in the church, not seen from the nave or from most of the sanctuary area, they are two of the most magnificent windows. The colors are vibrant, rich blues and violets and the natural light intensifies their splendor.  Peter holds the Keys of the Kingdom and Paul bears a sword, traditional symbols for these great apostles.

Saint Peter


Stained Glass Windows located in the Apse - left

 With deepest Gratitude to God for

 David Cusimano and Family

Saint Paul


Stained Glass Windows located in the Apse - right

 With deepest Gratitude to God

For Joseph Thames and Family

 Donated by Jim and Peg Harrison


Excerpts taken from homilies by Tommy Lane and Rev. John Neinstedt:

 “We remember today Saints Peter and Paul who guided the early church just after the time of Jesus. Both died as martyrs for the faith in Rome, in the early 60’s, just thirty years after the death of Jesus. Peter was crucified upside down in the courtyard to the left of St. Peter’s Basilica (in the courtyard behind the arch where the Swiss Guards stand on duty) and Paul was beheaded between Rome and the sea, in a place now called Tre Fontane (Italian for three fountains after the legend that the three springs in the spot mark the three places where Paul’s head bounced after being beheaded). Peter was buried in the nearest cemetery which was on top of Vatican Hill and St. Peter’s Basilica was later built on top of Peter’s tomb, the main altar being directly on top of his tomb. Paul was also buried in the nearest cemetery and the Basilica of St. Paul’s outside the Walls was later build on top of his tomb, the main altar being directly on top of his tomb.”

By Tommy Lane


“We honor Peter and Paul not simply because of what they accomplished during their earthly lives, even as those accomplishments are of lasting value.  To be sure, one would find it exceedingly difficult to overstate the importance of Paul for the development of the Christian Faith.  No other figure, save Christ Himself, has done more to articulate the saving truths of Christianity.  And in Peter, we see the very beginning of the Petrine ministry, a ministry of unity and integrity that is essential to the constitution of the Church.  

 But the accomplishments of these seminal figures of Faith pale in comparison to that which truly matters in the light of eternity – both men loved Jesus, and both yearned to do his will with an Apostolic zeal and fervor.  Their martyrdoms, Peter by crucifixion and Paul by the sword, are the manifestations of that love – martyrdom is, after all, all about a love that is particularly Christian: the sacrificial love of God.”  

By Rev. John C. Nienstedt

Cathedral of Saint Paul

June 29, 2013, 7:00 pm


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